

4路独立高精度延时输出通道, 4路独立低精度延时输出通道 1 ps高精度延时输出分辨率, 5 ns低精度延时输出分辨率 可配置的延时幅值和脉宽定义 
PXI星形触发, 板载时钟, 外部触发输入 (TRIG IN)触发支持 基于-VISA的LabVIEW驱动, Windows驱动支持
生产厂商: 迪阳公司代理 产品型号: GFT9404
产品简介: 4路独立高精度延时输出通道, 4路独立低精度延时输出通道 1 ps高精度延时输出分辨率, 5 ns低精度延时输出分辨率 可配置的延时幅值和脉宽定义 PXI星形触发, 板载时钟, 外部触发输入 (TRIG IN)触发支持 基于-VISA的LabVIEW驱动, Windows驱动支持

Greenfield GFT9404模块在PXI平台上提供高精度数字延时生成。它提供具有1 ps延时分辨率的4路独立高精度延时通道和具有5 ns延时分辨率的4路辅助延时通道。每路延时输出可依照幅值和脉宽定义接受配置。GFT9404提供针对Windows操作系统的驱动支持以及基于NI-VISA的LabVIEW仪器驱动。

  • Four independent delay channels
     1 ps resolution
    < 50 ps rms jitter
     > 20 second delay range 
  • Four auxiliary delay channels
    5 ns resolution
    < 100 ps rms jitter
    > 20 second delay range
    Front panel or PXI bus
  • PXI 3U, 1 slot, compact packaging
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The GFT9404 module provides four independent delay channels (T0 to T3). The delay resolution is 1 ps, and external trigger to channel jitter is less than 50 ps. SMB outputs deliver 5 V, 2 ns rise time, under 50 . Amplitude and width are adjustable on each output pulse.
The GFT9404 also provides four auxiliary delay channels to the front panel (AT0 to AT3). The copy of these four channels is provided on the PXI bus (PXI trig 0 to PXI trig 3). The delay resolution is 5 ns (one time base clock) and trigger to channel jitter is 100ps.
One input trigger (TRIG IN), PXI STAR trigger, or internal frequency is used to trigger all output channels.

This free software provides a simple method to configure settings for each channel (delay, output amplitude, output width), trigger source, trigger mode, and to control the state of the instrument. The configuration information of the instrument can be stored to disk and restored. The software is designed to allow multiple GFT9404 to be installed and operate in the same PXI chassis. Each module is specified by its serial number.

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