

生产厂商: 迪阳公司代理 产品型号: PCI650
产品简介: 第三代PCI分析仪结合一个复杂的和直观的软件界面的高性能硬件。其结果是总线分析所有在一个单一的插件的一个功能强大的诊断工具。

北京迪阳公司代理Silicon Control公司 PCI650 协议分析仪是一个经济型PCI总线分崩离析系统.

 This 3rd generation PCI analyzer combines high performance hardware with a sophisticated and intuitive software interface. The result is a powerful diagnostic tool for bus analysis all on a single plug-in card.

Capture and generate bus activity from 0 to 66 Mhz, automatically detect protocol and timing violations, test for PCI compliance, simulate hardware, analyze performance and much more.

The PCI650 analyzer provides a multitude of functions to help you analyze your system.
- Capturing bus activity using sequential triggers and filters
- Exerciser to perform memory, I\O and configuration cycles
- Stimulus generation for hardware simulation
- Anomaly detection of protocol and timing violations
- Performance analysis of utilization, transfer rates, latency, statistics

If you need to debug, integrate or test a PCI system or component, the PCI650 family of advanced bus analyzers quickly and accurately pinpoints problems, identifies performance issues and tests for compliance.

北京迪阳世纪科技有限责任公司 版权所有 © 2008 - 2018 著作权声明
010-62156134 62169728 13301007825 节假日:13901042484 微信号:sun62169728
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